Finding happiness

Finding happiness
Finding happiness

5 steps to get bliss or contentment !

How to find happiness in your life - in a nutshell.

1.      Just be yourself. (not your ego, but your "true" self).
       This is easy said. But there is a technique called 'who am I' through which you can do this quickly. Just ask yourself "who am I really". And don't be satisfied the ready answers you get, from your mind, but trace the "feeling of I-ness" to its source. You will reach the true-I.

2.      Surrendering completely to your true self makes you completely present in the here and now. This because usually people think about the past and future and even present a lot.
     By seeing all those as mere fleeting expressions of the real consciousness, having negated the whole thought-process-trees of past and future and even the present as merely illusory and temporary, you begin to pay attention to the "now" more.

3.      If you cannot find your true self , meditate every morning for 15 minutes on the question “Who you are” and sense or feel the answer beyond who you normally think you are. In a month you’ll notice differences of feeling bettter with more freedom.

4.      If you have vices, as most indeed do, it is not important to get rid of the vice before  you start to meditate. It will disappear by itself once you focus on your true self, and have the supreme knowledge..that you are unlimited.

5.      Though this seems incredibly simple, the point is to keep at it. Everyday. For the rest of your lives.

Your life was a series of highs and lows. The same Life will now be a most enjoyable roller coaster ride ! ! Also remember it is the journey that is important not the destination!

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