Finding happiness

Finding happiness
Finding happiness

Finding happiness requires redifinition of terms

True happiness in your life requires redefining some familiar words.


Worldly Definition
(As you know it now)

True Definition
(Redefined after you know the truth)




Your false-I.

A mental construct invented by you for interacting with the world. The purpose is the survival of the body and mind.

The power that brings about the “I” feeling within you, and is also the power that brings the world into its temporary , ever changing,  fleeting existence.




A place to interact with, and derive happiness from
An Illusion, which can only give illusory happiness,which has sadness/suffering built into it.



Appears real, and you constantly identify with them.
Illusory objects when compared to the power that lies beneath them, and runs everything.



Deriving pleasure through the senses  such as Acheiving a worldly goal
Just BEING ! Surrendering fully to the moment and accepting good and bad alike.



Feeling an attachment to the other person(s), and hence making him/her happy, always knowing “you” are doing it.
Being aware of what is keeping the other person unhappy, and helping him remove it, and find the real-I, without thinking your own worldly-I is responsible.


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