Finding happiness

Finding happiness
Finding happiness

Finding Happiness in 5 easy steps !

If you really want to be happy, for all your life, no matter what the external world has to offer to you,then read this entire article.
It doesn't matter if you have a broken heart or schizophrenia, anxiety or depression, or just plain bored  this information will help you. Just be sure to read all of it, and allow it to sink in.
It'll make your heart soar in happiness no matter where you are. Infact people in Jail have reported becoming happy after realising the truth. And day after day you buy things and none of them give you lasting happiness. Some last a week , some a month, some a few years.

This is not some magic cure. This is just presenting the truth as it is. One thing you'll notice is it does not refute any other faith ! It does not say 'stop following your faith'. On the contrary it is a bigger subset. Your faith whatever it is is included in it.

All of us can benefit by knowing the "Truth".It always enhances our enjoyment of life.
Some of the ways to assimilate the Truth, tried and tested for thousands of years, is explained here.
All major religions point to this Truth in one way or another.
All spiritual gurus and teachings have this as the core of their teaching.
Needless to say , this way appears to be closer to giving one "Contentment" than any other way.

Although we use the word "I" very often , have we ever seriously thought of it's origin?  After all, It is the first word in "I want to be happy" , so perhaps it does deserve some attention!
From where does this feeling of "I" arise ?
Knowing our 'Self' is the first step.  Are you ready to take the giant leap of discovery?
Take the leap

Take the leap to find happiness in your life discovering your Real self !

Here are the 5 steps to get you true happiness or contentment.
flowers bloom in your life1. Realise what happiness really is !

2. Realise  what the world is ! 

3. Realise Who you think you are !

4. Realise Who you truly are !

5. Realise how to be happy always !

Come let's cruise through these 'realisations' !

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